The Phoenix is a U.S Department of State K12 L3 certified vehicle barrier with a 16″ shallow foundation. The barrier is designed to stop a 15,000 pound vehicle traveling 50 mph. Available sizes range from 8 feet to 14 feet (clear opening) in one foot increments. The barrier height at full deployment is 40 inches above grade.

The Cerberus Surface Mount Wedge Barrier is engineered for M30 crash resistance. The barrier is designed to stop a 15,000 pound vehicle traveling 30 mph. Available sizes range from 8 feet to 14 feet (clear opening) in one foot increments. The barrier height at full deployment is 35 inches above grade. Available in hydraulic or electric activation.
The Imp Surface Mount Wedge Barrier is engineered for US Marshal’s specified crash resistance. The barrier is designed to stop a 5,000 pound vehicle traveling 30 mph. Available sizes range from 8 feet to 16 feet (clear opening) in one foot increments. The barrier height at full deployment is 17.5 inches above grade. Available in hydraulic or electric activation.